Eid Al-Ghadeer is a day celebrated by Shia Muslims.
It commemorates the day that Ali ibn Ali Talib, the cousin of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), was appointed as the religious leader to come after the death of the Prophet. Here are a few things you should know about this important day.
1. Appointing Successorship at Ghadeer Khuum

On the 18th of Dhul Hijjah, 10 years after the Hijrah, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stopped at a location between Mecca and Medina called Ghadeer Khuum. There, the Prophet declared in front of thousands of people, that his successor that he had chosen to lead Islam was Imam Ali (AS). During his speech, he took Imam Ali’s (AS) hand and stated;
“Oh Allah, bear witness. ‘Oh people, Allah is my Lord and I am the Lord (leader) of the believers. I am worthier of believers than themselves. Of whomsoever I had been Master (Mawla), Ali here is to be his Master (Mawla). Oh Allah, be a supporter of whoever supports him (Ali) and an enemy of whoever opposes him (Ali).”
All the believers at the time applauded Prophet Muhammad’s decision and congratulated Imam Ali (AS).
2. Completion of Islam

After the Prophet (PBUH) completed his sermon, the following verse of the Quran was revealed;
“Today I have perfected your religion and completed my bounty upon you, and I was satisfied that Islam be your religion” (Quran; 5:3)
This Aya is very significant as it reflects that Imam Ali (AS) was not just chosen by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), but from Allah, and that there was a reason why Imam Ali was chosen. This day marks the completion of Prophethood and the beginning of the Institution of Imamate, as Ali was named as the first of twelve Imams who would continue provide leadership and authority in Islam.
3. Establishment of Wilaya

Through Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) appointing Imam Ali (AS) as the successor after He passed away, He established Wilaya, which is a regulation of governance, power and ruling in Islam. The concept of Wilaya reflects the commands Allah; only those who are chosen by Allah, through the Prophet (PBUH) can have political authority in Islam. The Imams are considered to be the rightful successors of the Prophet not because they are related to the Prophet, but because they possess the qualities required for religious-political leadership. In the absence of an Imam, a highly educated religious scholar (Marja’a such as Ayotyllah Sayed Al-Sistani), can be a source of guidance to less educated Muslims.
Do not forget the recommended acts for this special day
It is clear that Eid Al-Ghadeer marks an important day in Islam and shaped it into the way we see it in today’s world. On this special day, it is recommended that Muslims bathe, fast, recite Ziyarat Ameenallah, Ziyarat Mutlaqah, and Dua’a Nudbah. You can also give sadaqa or charity on this day in honour of Amir al Mumineen (AS). To do so, click here!