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Al-Haadi students raising money for Orphans

This 2023-2024 academic year, the students at Al-Haadi Study Centre are leading an initiative to help raise funds for those in need around the world. This initiative will focus on providing support to Orphan & Vulnerable children. More information regarding these initiatives can be found below.

The students at Al-Haadi and our team at The Zahra(s) Trust Canada appreciate your support and we look forward to helping those in need together!

Orphans, Widows and Vulnerable Children

Millions of vulnerable children in Iraq are in need of aid. At The Zahra(s) Trust Canada we work on a community level to support those in need.

This means that funds are used to support multiple children where it’s needed most through various means such as food aid, access to clean water, clothing and more.

Support the Al-Haadi initiative today!

To support your child’s class in this initiative, be sure to include a note indicating it at checkout

[thermometer raised=3,000 target=3,600]