Islam is a religion which not only focuses on individual acts of worship but also communal service. In Islam, giving charity and supporting those in need is highly recommended, and also in some cases obligatory. Amongst the highly recommended forms of charity is a Sadaqa Jariya.

What is a Sadaqa Jariya?
A Sadaqa Jariya is a form of charity that is continuous or long-lasting. Some examples of a Sadaqa Jariya include teaching someone knowledge that will allow them to benefit others, building a school or hospital where individuals will continuously benefit and building a water well that will continue to provide water for those in need.

What is the benefit of a Sadaqa Jariya?
While most of our deeds end with our death, there is an exception to this. Imam Ja’far Sadiq (as) said, “Three things help a man after his death, and these are: a charity given by him, a good habit he taught to others and a good offspring he leaves behind, who prays for his forgiveness.” (Bihar al Anwar, Vol 6, Page 294) This hadith highlights that when an individual donates a form of charity that is continuous, this charity will continue to provide them rewards even after their death.

In the Holy Qur’an, it states: “And expend of that with which We have provided you before death comes to any of you when he says: ‘My Lord! If only You would give me respite for a little while, then I should give alms and be amongst the righteous.'” (63:10). What this verse tells us is that when we are at the time of death we will pray for an option to give more charity so that it could benefit us in the hereafter.
Therefore, giving a Sadaqa Jariya can not only help us get rewards now, it can continue to provide us rewards for the hereafter even after we pass away!
Water Well: One form of Sadaqa Jariya

Sustainable water solutions such as water wells, including electric and manual, and water purification plants are some forms of Sadaqa Jariyas. These water solutions can help uplift communities by not only providing safe accessible clean water for drinking but also for sanitation, food preparation, agriculture and more.
Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, ‘Six things benefit a person after he passes away: a child who seeks forgiveness for him, a copy of the Qur’an which he leaves behind, a plant that he planted, water that he donated in charity, a well that he had dug, and a tradition that others take from him and [practise] after him.’ (Man La Yahduruhu Al-Faqih, Vol 1, Page 185, Number 555).

Water is a critical resource yet, unfortunately, millions around the globe do not have access to it. 785 million people around the globe do not have access to a basic drinking water service and 2 billion people around the globe use drinking water that is contaminated with faeces. Unfortunately, the lack of accessible safe drinking water is something far too common in developing countries and consequently to up to 80% of illnesses in these nations are due to a lack of clean water and sanitation services.
Not only is clean water critical for quenching thirst, it is also essential for the prevention of water borne illnesses, agriculture and food security and much more. Without safe water communities cannot safely and effectively leave poverty.

We at The Zahra(s) Trust Canada work our hardest to help provide sustainable water solutions to those in need. In Pakistan, where 21 million people do not have access to a safe drinking water source near their home and 55000 children die each year due to diarrhoea due to poor water and sanitation, we have so far provided thousands of individuals in need with access to safe drinking water through your support.
Our team is continuing to work our hardest to provide more water and sanitation solutions in Pakistan and regions around the globe but we need your help. Donate today to help provide a suistainable water solution and fulfil a Sadaqa Jariya on your behalf or behalf of a family member who has passed. Don’t forget, a Sadaqa Jariya can not only continue to provide you rewards but also for those who have already passed.
Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, ‘The best form of charity is to cool down someone’s internal heat [by quenching their thirst].” (Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 96, page 172, number 8).
