The Nudba Group of Toronto Initiative

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This Muharram, the Nudba Group of Toronto is leading an initiative to help raise funds for those in need around the globe. This year our focus will be on Sabeel-e-Hussain, , Majlis/Ziyarat Sponsorships, Economic development resources, as well as distribution of General Aid to underprivileged communities.

The wonderful individuals at the Nudba Group of Toronto, and our team at The Zahra Trust Canada appreciate your support toward our Muharram-Safar campaign, and we look forward to helping those in need together!

Economic Development

Countries such as Iraq, Yemen, and more are deeply caught in an economic crisis. They are suffering the severe economic effects of COVID-19 disproportionately and require more comprehensive financing assistance and economic development in the wake of the pandemic. Economic diversification is urgently needed in order to create employment opportunities for the mostly young civilians, who are now flooding the labour market.

At The Zahra Trust Canada, we work on a community level to support those in need. This means that funds are used to provide financial assistance and economic relief resources wherever and whenever possible.


Sabeel-e-Hussain refers to the charitable act of providing water to those in need, inspired by the example of Imam Hussain ibn Ali (AS), the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This act of charity is highly esteemed in Islamic tradition, especially in the context of the teachings and sacrifices of Imam Hussain (AS), who is known for his dedication to justice and compassion.

Establishing a Sabeel-e-Hussain not only provides practical benefits to those in need by ensuring access to clean water but also contributes to spiritual growth, community welfare, and the promotion of charitable values. It serves as a powerful way to honor the legacy of Imam Hussain (AS) and make a positive impact on society.

Send your donations via e-transfer to [email protected]